Courses taught by Dr. Bailey:

ENVS 1000: Intro to Environmental Studies
This course is the first part of the undergraduate introductory series in the Environmental Studies Program. It will provide students interested in continuing in Environmental Studies with an introduction to the skill set they need and will develop in the major to address multi-dimensional environmental issues. Our focus is on developing a stronger science-based understanding of the Earth’s environmental systems and how these coupled human-natural systems function.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the key biological and physical systems that influence the Earth’s environment.
Explain how humans are changing the environment and describe the impacts of those changes
Evaluate policies and other interventions that can be used to mitigate the impacts of human activity
Use Excel to analyze and graph environmental data sets
Demonstrate an ability to use quantitative information to evaluate human-natural system change.
Taught every Spring and Fall
ENVS 5100-003: Conflict Management and Collaboration in human-environment systems
Work in human-environmental systems involves a dynamic mix of multiple and competing actors, complex issues, and continually evolving conditions. Disagreements among stakeholders can derail even the most well organized projects if left unaddressed, yet most environmental professionals have little to no training in conflict management. Whether disputes are over infrastructure, land use, endangered species, equity, or other topics of concern, sustainable solutions to vexing problems require effective strategies for engaging people and bridging differences. This course provides students with concepts, skills, and strategies for understanding and addressing situations of conflict and of collaboration. This course will combine a focus on skill development with discussion of conflict management and collaboration concepts, strategies, and tools. It will prepare participants to more effectively analyze and address contentious situations in a variety of cultural contexts. Through simulations, role-plays, selected readings, case studies and other activities, students will strengthen skills relevant to the practice environmental management, research, and collaboration.
Typically offered in alternating years

ENVS 4800: Human-Environment Interactions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Many of the important issues facing Africans today are the consequences of human modifications of the climate, physical landscape, and broader environment at local and global scales. These consequences can be intended and unintended, positive and negative, and both long and short-term. This course investigates the inter-relationship between humans and their natural or physical environments in Sub-Saharan Africa, a place of extraordinarily diverse, vibrant, and dynamic human cultures and environments. We will look at issues facing contemporary African societies and the challenges that the people and nations of this vast continent are working to resolve. Topics to be considered include human subsistence strategies, natural resource use, conservation, and human impact upon vegetation, soil, water, landforms, and climate. Students will explore these topics through governance, risk perception, demography, resilience, and the concept of sustainability. This course is a discussion-based class and is intended for upper-level undergraduates.
Taught every Spring